Thursday, June 16, 2011

What's Here?

That's me, fifth from the left.

Back in the day, I wrote a column called "Home Front" that started in the San Francisco Progress and ended up in about a dozen small newspapers in California, most notably the San Mateo Times. It was a mostly-humorous column about family life. I started when my oldest child, Zoe, was two, and ended when she was 17. Because I'm a pretty terrible organizer, most of these columns are lost. For example, I still have a dozen old five-and-a-half inch floppies which contain columns written in WordPerfect, but I guess my window for retrieving them has passed. Oops! Thanks to my sister Sheila, who asked for them for a Christmas present, I DO have my first 52 in a binder, and when I get around to it, I may start transcribing them here. But in the meantime, here are a few I have miraculously found on my hard drive, along with some poetry, a video, and a list.

As to whether or when this blog will be updated, it's anyone's guess. I've currently got several other writing projects on the hopper, and hope you'll take a look at a few of the links on the home page and try them out. In addition, I'm planning yet ANOTHER blog about what I encounter after moving to North Beach, a neighborhood in San Francisco, something my husband and I will be doing in about a month. This is no small thing, as we've been living in the suburbs for 26 years, but since my muse has blessed me with this new idea, I'm hoping the move will be a good thing. The new blog will be photographs and short writings on pretty much anything or anyone that catches my fancy in the new environs.

I'm thinking of calling the blog North Beach Notebook--impressions of a neighborhood. What do you think?


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